Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is in the air . . .

Today got off to a wonderful start. I could not have fathomed how beautiful today would be! I took a wonderful drive this morning, while enjoying Michael Buble over the speakers. I pulled my husband out for a few photos. He is one of the most photogenic people I know. It makes me sick with jealously that he can get up, throw on a shirt and be ready for his debut. Don't get me wrong, I am so proud to call him mine! I just wish it came as easy and natural to me as it does him. Don't we all. Here is what I made of half my day. Enjoy!

Hope you enjoy your Friday as much as I have mine.


1 comment:

  1. Mander! You have a blog!!! We're blog-friends!!!

    I like that last picture best. Josh IS photogenic. Darn him. ;)

    Love you!
